Nomination Form for the Bruce Hutchison Lifetime Achievement Award

The Jack Webster Foundation’s Bruce Hutchison Lifetime Achievement Award honours an exemplary B.C. journalism career.

This annual award recognizes a journalist for their outstanding work and contributions to B.C. journalism, and the province, over a multi-decade career.  The recipients are those who:

  • inspire excellence in others,
  • have had a transformational impact upon the journalism profession
  • have demonstrated innovation in journalism over the course of their career,
  • are recognized for being a journalist who sets the bar high, with insightful journalism of exceptional quality.
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Nominee Information

Nominated By
Nominee's Name
Example; Reporter, Editor, News director etc…
The more detail the better—if you can break down a 40-year career and state jobs/titles held over the years as pulled from a CV or other that would be helpful.) Bullet points are acceptable.
Bullet points are acceptable.
Bullet points are acceptable.
Bullet points are acceptable.
Bullet points are acceptable.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
Note: one of these letter may be from the person submitting the nomination.


Your support today makes a big difference and will help us continue the Jack Webster Foundation and celebrate excellence in journalism to protect the public interest for British Columbians.

Your donations go to support Student Journalism Awards, Professional Development Fellowships, free Masterclasses for journalists, journalism educators and students, and to support the costs of funding the annual Webster Awards.

As the Jack Webster Foundation is a registered Canadian charity, tax receipts will be issued for donations of $20 or more. Should you wish to make your donation by cheque, please contact us by sending an email at [email protected].