Watch Michele Brunoro's CTV News Vancouver at 6pm investigative series supported by the Foundation

You can nominate someone for the 2025 Hutch, Good or Fralic Award

Check out the photos from the Oct. 28th Webster Awards


Journalism professionals and students can apply for scholarships, professional development fellowships and sign up for free masterclasses.

Take a look and see what’s on offer.

For Journalism Professionals

Are you a journalism professional, working for a news source in BC? Or maybe you’re a journalism educator in the province?

You could be eligible to receive a Professional Development Fellowship in order to take a course(s) to further your journalism career or receive funding to embark upon a self-defined project/area of study.

Also available, the Lt. Governor’s BC Journalism Fellowship and free masterclasses.

For Journalism Students

Journalism students enrolled in eligible journalism programs in BC can apply for an award of $2,000 to help fund their education and can also attend the free masterclasses that the Foundation holds each year. See more below.

"No other award in Western Canadian journalism instills a sense of pride greater than a Webster. It is what many reporters have strived for during the past quarter of a century."

Clive Jackson

2018 Bruce Hutchison Lifetime Achievement Award recipient


The Jack Webster Foundation fosters and celebrates excellence in journalism to protect the public interest for British Columbians.


Your support today makes a big difference and will help us continue the Jack Webster Foundation and celebrate excellence in journalism to protect the public interest for British Columbians.

Your donations go to support Student Journalism Awards, Professional Development Fellowships, free Masterclasses for journalists, journalism educators and students, and to support the costs of funding the annual Webster Awards.

As the Jack Webster Foundation is a registered Canadian charity, tax receipts will be issued for donations of $20 or more. Should you wish to make your donation by cheque, please contact us by sending an email at [email protected].